Along with Monopoly at McDonald's, the return of the McRib has established a storied tradition at the Golden Arch's. As social media's popularity gained, so too did the McRib. There is even a McRib watch on Twitter (@McRibWatch) for it's loyal followers to keep track of sitings and gloat about how good it is. The McRib was living the high life; fame, fortune, perfectly coated in BBQ sauce...until one Tuesday, November morning in 2013...
The McRib made it's way back into the media spot light this week, but it was not because of yet another triumphant return to McDonald's lineup. With a revealing photo surfacing of a frozen, undressed patty, it seems as though the McRib has fallen into the grease trap of social media along with Brett Farve, Tiger Woods and Lamar Odom.
Questions have been swirling around all week about the photo's authenticity. And if it truly is a bunless McRib for all the world to see, what does that mean for the McRib image? Will people start questioning the authenticity of the McRib? Who knows, but like any modern day scandal it doesn't matter whether it's good publicity or bad publicity - it got people passionately talking about the McRib, which is a win for McDonald's in my book.
Since the leak of the photo, McRib sales have more than doubled leaving the local chains struggling to keep the crazed sandwich available to it's fans. I completely made that last part up, but it doesn't seem too far out of the realm of possibilites for this fan favorite, does it?
Although the frozen picture doesn't do the McRib any favors, I wouldn't want to go as far to say I will stop indulging in it's gloriousness. Like most photo mishaps of the high-profile, one solid performance, and a few weeks of other news, the public's perception will focus back to what propelled the McRib to it's original stardum.
Succulent or Scandalous? I'll let you decide.
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