Monday, November 25, 2013

Half-price cheesburgers? Ways to fill your belly without emptying your wallet this week

Do it.
A lot of time and money will be spent this week preparing turkeys, hams, casseroles, and pies. If you are dreading spending all that money or are already tired of cooking and preparing dishes, you are in luck. You can get your fill of lunch or dinner or both a couple times this week while getting the most bang for your buck.

This just seems like fate. We were just discussing the merits of Sonic's cheeseburgers the other day. We uniformly decided that it is certainly one of the most underrated burgers in the country. Do you agree or disagree? You agree.

Either way, you've got a chance to get two for the price of one on Tuesday, November 26th or as we might do it, four for the price of two. It's unofficially National Un-Turkey Day as proclaimed by Sonic and they are offering up 1/2 price cheeseburgers. It's their greatest act of kindness since the wildly popular 50-cent corn dogs on Halloween promotion. Do yourself a favor and stop by your nearest Sonic tomorrow to gorge yourself on a whole bunch of cheeseburgers and then polish it off with a maple bacon milkshake.
Wait! That's not enough you say. Well as you know the McRib has returned, perhaps amid a bit of controversy. If you make your way over to McDonald's before they cruelly snatch the McRib from our fingers, you can order a McRib extra value meal, and then get an extra McRib for just a dollar. ONE DOLLAR BILL! This may vary by area, but I'd assume they have this deal almost everywhere in America.

Remember. You should always stretch and warm up before any major physical activity. Thanksgiving falls under that category, so you had better be prepared. Use the first three days of this week to get your stomach in shape to handle the massive loads of food you will eat on Thursday and likely again as leftovers on Friday. If you don't gain upwards of 15 pounds this week, you have failed.


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